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Mamamia: ‘I’m a divorce coach. Here’s how to use the SEEK principle to find your perfect partner.’

Jacqueline Wharton recently wrote this article for Mamamia about how to find your ‘perfect’ partner.

“I believe that instead of fixating on “what” your partner is (or should be) – blonde, educated, wealthy – it’s crucial to focus on “who” they are. More importantly, it’s critical that early on, you make an honest evaluation of how your partner makes you feel – and how you make them feel.

I call it the SEEK principle.”

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Mamamia: 8 reasons you might be heading for divorce this festive season.

Talk to anyone in the family law space and you will hear them referring to the festive season as the ‘Break Up Season’. After the summer holidays, family lawyers are inundated with new clients who have decided to separate over the festive season.

As a divorce advisor with over 15 years of experience, here are the main eight reasons so many relationships don’t make it past the new year.


Read “I’m a divorce coach. Here are 8 reasons you might be heading for divorce this festive season” by Jacqueline Wharton, published on Mamamia.

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‘XL panties ended my 26-yr marriage’: How ‘grey divorce’ is shattering lives.

There appears to be a growing trend in couples divorcing later in life, often with devastating consequences, both emotionally and financially.

In this article, originally published in the Courier Mail, Separation and Divorce Advisors own Jacqueline Wharton says:

“…divorce is “most contagious” when adult children leave home, and near retirement age.

“People can go on different paths. And maybe they have been on different paths for a long time but the children are the glue that has kept them together,” she says.

“It’s often women around that age that leave. If the woman has been the primary caregiver and the children leave, there are a lot of question marks about her role. She starts to focus on herself and her own needs, probably for the first time since she had children.

“She’s raised the kids, she wants to be more independent, often to rediscover herself and build a new identity because her identity has been lost. Men have often had that time in their careers.’’


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I can't recommend Anna highly enough - having Anna as someone I could rely on to guide me through the complicated messy process of separation meant that she helped me navigate through a really challenging time in my life with confidence. Not only was she super helpful but was always thoughtful

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