Blog & News — Dealing with Divorce and Separation

Expert tips and insights from our highly trained advisors to help when you are dealing with divorce and separation. Learn from us to save yourself time, stress and money.

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Mamamia: 8 reasons you might be heading for divorce this festive season.


Talk to anyone in the family law space and you will hear them referring to the festive season as the 'Break Up Season'. After the summer holidays, family lawyers are inundated with new clients who have decided to separate over the festive season. As a divorce advisor with over 15 years of experience, here are the

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AFR: 10 ways to stop ‘silver divorce’ destroying your wealth


Divorces involving couples over the age of 50 are increasing. Separation and Divorce Advisors' Jacqueline Wharton recently sat down with reporter Duncan Hughes of the Australian Financial Review to look at some of the issues that should be considered before breaking the knot. Read the article

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Anna has been an amazing support, sounding board and realist.

Over the past few years Anna has been fundamental in helping me get through what could have been a very messy separation. Her knowledge and ability to be one step ahead was comforting. I knew I could put my trust in her. Anna was always professional, calm and dealt in the facts, something I didn't

Mother of Two
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