Financial Agreements | Protect your assets in separation

Financial agreements help couples protect their assets – SMH Feature

Jacqueline Wharton, a Sydney based separation and divorce advisor

Jacqueline Wharton, was interviewed this week by the Sydney Morning Herald about the importance of financial agreements or ‘pre-nups’ in protecting the assets of individuals, should a relationship end.

Jacqueline Wharton, who trained as a lawyer but is the founder of Separation and Divorce Advisors with offices in Sydney and Melbourne, says fighting over assets to punish your ex is nearly always a poisoned chalice.

“Trying to use the law to punish the other side for being unfaithful or for revenge is expensive and time consuming,” Wharton says.

A financial agreement can give some peace of mind as to what will happen in the event of a break-up, she adds.


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