Divorce Negotiation Strategy | Separation and Divorce Advisors

Negotiation Strategy

Winding road through countryside

More and more people want to negotiate their financial and family arrangements directly with their former partners – also known as a ‘do-it-yourself divorce’. Divorce or separation negotiation strategy is a vital step.

Beware of being unprepared

Unfortunately many people enter negotiations unprepared and without a strategy – either they have not thoroughly identified their own interests, thought about those of their former partner, or worse still, of their children.

Clarify, plan and succeed

Having a divorce or separation negotiation strategy helps you to:

  • Clarify your own financial, parental and emotional needs and boundaries, as well as those of your former partner and any children.
  • Be as well prepared as possible for any negotiations, by having the relevant information at your fingertips.
  • Creatively generate financial and parenting options that may satisfy (or nearly satisfy) everyone’s interests.

We support you through your negotiations by acting as your sounding board, helping you draft communications to your former partner and preparing you for any interaction with them – from simple phone calls to mediation and court.

The importance of sensitivity

We support your divorce or separation negotiations in a sensitive way. It is important to clarify the wishes of you and your former partner sooner rather than later – in some cases one of you may want a reconciliation, which may be destroyed by inappropriate, insensitive or overly aggressive negotiation/legal strategies.

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Anna has been an amazing support, sounding board and realist.

Over the past few years Anna has been fundamental in helping me get through what could have been a very messy separation. Her knowledge and ability to be one step ahead was comforting. I knew I could put my trust in her. Anna was always professional, calm and dealt in the facts, something I didn't

Mother of Two
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