Anna demonstrated such a level-headed, thorough and practical approach | Separation & Divorce Advisors

Anna demonstrated such a level-headed, thorough and practical approach

I am incredibly grateful for Anna’s expertise in assisting with navigating a gruelling and difficult separation from my ex-husband. Anna demonstrated such a level-headed, thorough and practical approach at the times when dealing with such a high conflict ex-husband became almost too much. Importantly, Anna showed me practical methods to respond with a measured, informed and calm approach to protect my wellbeing and that of my children.

I discovered that going through a separation/divorce is very much a case of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ and in many cases Anna proved to fill the ‘gap’ of information, consideration and empathy that sometimes my solicitor did not provide.

Anna always informed me with compassion and understanding about processes and pitfalls of the legal system. Importantly, always central to her approach was mine and my children’s wellbeing. Anna’s unique combination of understanding human behaviour, negotiation and Family Law has in practical terms saved legal costs, therapy costs and at times my sanity.

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Jacqueline was amazing at supporting us through this massive change in our relationship and our family.

Jacqueline was amazing at supporting us through this massive change in our relationship and our family. She had a wonderful way of providing the facts in a compassionate, non adversarial manner. This focused the conversations onto the future outcome rather than past

Mother of Two
Medical Professional
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